Home » Solar Panels

Solar Panels

Sadia Chowdhury  

Writing for the Sciences 21300 

       Solar Panels  

Abstract: Solar panels devices are an effective way of generating electricity without any waste. They are usually installed outside where the sun can directly hit the panels. From there, the direct current (DC) electricity that comes from the sun rays converts to alternating current electricity (AC) and provides electricity with the help of photovoltaic cells. It saves energy and reuses it to prevent wasting energy.  

                     Solar panels are devices that are used for receiving electricity through the sun’s rays. Usually, they are installed outside of the houses to absorb the sun rays that helps the panels generate electricity or even heat. When the radiation is absorbed from the sun, they gather solar cells which helps generate electricity for the panels. In 1839, Alexandre Becquerel found the photovoltaic effect which illustrated how electricity can be generated from sunlight. However, in 1941, Russell Ohl invented the solar cells that were efficient for generating electricity. Photovoltaic cells are electric devices that can convert sun light into electricity through the method of reflection and absorption of the sun rays. Therefore, photovoltaic means electricity from light. The silicon in the panels are the most helpful when it comes to absorbing sunlight. The sunlight that creates current is called direct current (DCelectricity. However, direct current (DC) electricity must be converted into alternating current (AC) electricity for the solar panels to generate electricity for the house. Solar panels are known to be more eco friendly because they are cleaner, non polluting and provide renewable source of power. Germany is one of the countries that has the highest installed capacity of solar PV power. Moreover, solar panels can mostly be installed in the locationwhere the sunlight can be absorbed the most such as rooftops of houses, parking lots, and corridors. Solar panels placed on rooftops are placed at a specific angle so that the sun can directly hit the spot to be absorbed. 

 There are 3 types of solar panels such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. The structures of the panels are mainly based on silicon because they are easy to getProducing solar panels require many steps. The first step is to convert sand into high grade silicon. The second step requires silicon (in forms of rocks) to be melted at high temperature where the mono crystalline cells are manufactured. Poly silicone cells are produced through silicons crystal melting together. In the process, when the ingot cools down, they are grinned and polished to have flat sides for the panels. Third step is to to cut ingots into wafers. This leaves the silicon reflective that allows the sunlight to go through. In the fourth process, the wafers are converted into solar cell that are efficient for solar power. In step five, solar cells are bonded together using metal to form the structure for the panels. When all is put together, it is framed as protection to fight any damages or weather conditions (figure 1)The last step is to test the panels in order to make sure they are able to convert solar energy.   

(Figure 1) 

Once the solar panels are tested and confirmed to be working, they are installed into the most convenient place for receiving sunlight such as rooftops. Once they are placed, the sunlight is know to activate the panels through the photovoltaic cells for absorption. Then these cells produce electrical current. The wafers that were placed are positively and negatively charged that. Once the photovoltaic cells are activated, the electrons open loose from the atoms creating a motion which produces the electrical current. Once the electrical current is produced, it is then converted into the AC electricity through a inverter to best fit the type of electricity needed for houses to get electricity. The inverters are typically placed very close to the panels. Once it is converted, it easily distributes the electricity to all working devices that require electricity to work in the house. Lastly, a electric net meter is used in order to measure how much solar power was used in order to save energy. Once they are good to be working, it saves you money and provides power without it being wasted. 

Installations of solar panels prices range depending per watt. However, a good solar panel would range from $500-$11,000. As it can be pretty expensive, many people prefer to make it at home (DIY) with available supplies in the market. Solar panels are used worldwide as people are starting to adapt to solar energy for better environment. Some of the countries that are known for using solar panels are China, Japan, United States, Germany, India, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia, France and Korea. The use of solar panels depend entirely on the areas where the sun shines the most in order to have the panels work successfully.  

Average sizes of solar panels are from 17 sq ft inches to 23 sq ft and they weigh from 40 pounds to 50 pounds. The size determines the amount of cells that the panels will have. For instance, the larger the solar panel, the more cells it will contain depending on how much energy is needed for the house. A solar panel usually looks like a thin big pad with grids that is placed flat on a smooth surface to best fit the location. Sometimes, people arrange multiple solar panels into one shape such a flowers to be creative and use more solar energy. The amount of solar panels that is needed for a house is determined by the appliances and other things that run on electricity and how much wattage is used for them. Moreover, it reduces use of fossil fuels, helps against global warming, provide source of income and it can be very versatile. Renewable energy is one of the most efficient ways to help protect against pollution and fight global warming. As time goes on, pollution is increasing that is very bad for the environment 

In addition, solar panels are beneficial than regular electricity because it is much more cleaner renewable energy to be used that is better for the environment causing less pollution. It also helps control the amount of electricity that you need for your house and unused solar power can be used when necessary instead of wasting it. Therefore, it can also help reduce electricity bills as it is based on solar energy. Also owning and installing solar panels increases the value of the house and they are very long lasting. They can help fight bad weather as it is designed to be irresistible to rain and wind. Solar panels are also not limited to producing solar energy becausthe sun is the main aspect of it so it will never run out. It is sustainable, eco-friendly and low maintenance. It can also help you earn money. Solar panels can be underrated as not everyone own a house or can afford to install it. However, there are also many areas with private houses that are able to do so and it is a great resource. Overall, it is very helpful for the economy and it promotes renewable energy all throughout as it can be very convenient and useful. 






Work Cited

Marsh, Jacob. “Where Is Solar Energy Used the Most?: EnergySage.”Solar News, 13 Dec. 2019, news.energysage.com/where-is-solar-energy-used/. 

“Pros & Cons of Solar Energy & Solar Panels.”Lets Go Solar, www.letsgosolar.com/consumer-education/pros-and-cons-of-solar-energy-panels/. 

“Solar 101: How Solar Energy Works (Step by Step).”CertainTeed, 3 Aug. 2020, www.certainteed.com/solar/solar-101-abcs-solar-power/.